Effective communication between Argyle Housing, tenants and local communities is recognised as one of the most essential building blocks to create a brighter future together.
Tenant participation is an important way of connecting people, not only within the communities in which they live but also between tenants and Argyle Housing. Tenant Participation Committees were created to ensure that these connections were being made on a regular basis and tenants felt that their opinions, ideas and thoughts were being respected and valued.
The team in the Argyle Housing Bowral Office has had the Tenant Participation Committee up and running for most of 2019. An information session was held early in the year that consisted of 10 tenants, our CEO, Wendy Middleton and the Tenancy Action Worker.
Several topics were discussed including:
Throughout the year the committee has met several times and tenants have been asked to help with mail outs, stuffing envelopes, tenant survey notifications and getting key messages out to tenants.
Throughout 2019, the Argyle Housing Campbelltown office held several tenant meetings at unit complexes in Leumeah and a street in Claymore. All residents at each location received an invitation to come along to discuss any ongoing concerns arising at the cluster of tenancies. Topics discussed were health and safety plus waste disposal issues.
A number of guest speakers attended the meeting including the Campbelltown City Council, the local NSW Police Crime Prevention Officer, the Argyle Housing Tenancy Action Worker and Tenancy Officer managing each area.
Throughout the meeting, valuable information was delivered to tenants, such as noise level restrictions, responsible pet ownership, personal safety measures, dispute resolution and appropriate reporting methods for any council or police related problems.
Tenants said they found the meeting of great benefit and respected the opportunity to have their say and receive answers to their questions.
One of Argyle Housing’s goals is to ensure that tenants feel a part of, and respect the community in which they live. Argyle Housing Day was developed to facilitate community events that involved tenants joining together.
The Griffith team organised their day by contacting tenants and asking them what they would prefer to do with the majority voting for a visit to Altina Wildlife Park in Darlington Point. It was decided for maximum attendance, the event should be held on a Saturday to allow children who are of school age to attend with their parents.
All tenants of the Griffith office were invited to attend with bus travel organised at multiple pick up points. Tenants were able to travel themselves if they wished to do so and meet the group at the CWA Hall in Darlington Point for a BBQ lunch and a visit from Santa for the kids before heading to the Wildlife Park.
Pick up points were in Griffith, Leeton and Yanco before heading to Darlington Point. At the end of the tour of the Altina Wildlife Park, the bus returned tenants and residents to the location from which they were collected.
The overall feedback from tenants was that it was a successful event. It was an opportunity to meet fellow tenants and get to know Argyle Housing staff in an informal setting.
The Yass annual Argyle Housing Day celebration was held at Banjo Patterson Park. Wendy Middleton CEO and Jennifer Chapman, Yass Team Leader, were in attendance to help celebrate with the tenants. It was decided that the event would be held on a Saturday to respect the wishes and rights of all our tenants and to ensure all, including their children would be able to attend. As a result, there was an excellent turn out of Argyle Housing tenants.
The day was a huge success with a BBQ, jumping castle, face painting, craft activities and live music on offer to all of our tenants and their extended families.
A lot of positive feedback was received from tenants regarding the Argyle Housing Day, many of them stating how much they enjoyed the event and how they would love to be involved in more family activities in the future.
Every year the Cancer Council of Australia raises money for and awareness of cancer research through the Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea campaign. Every dollar raised through the campaign helps the Cancer Council’s life-saving research, prevention, support programs and information on cancer.
This year, Argyle Housing played host to the 2019 Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea in conjunction with the Bowral Senior Citizens. The event was held in May 2019 at the Senior Citizen Centre, Corbett Gardens.
As part of the morning tea, local businesses were approached requesting raffle donations for this worthy cause and we were overwhelmed with the kindness and generosity of our local community and efforts of our own staff. Our tenants also participated by bringing a plate of food and providing pickup and delivery of raffle donations to the venue. A guest speaker from the Rare Cancers Australia spoke about the different and rare forms of cancers.
In total, $810.00 was raised for Cancer Council Australia which will contribute to research and help build a cancer free future.
This year Argyle Housing Bowral held a food drive during the month of March. Each year The Soul Warmers Café and Food Co-Op provide a free morning tea and chat to the members of our community. They have wonderful support from our local businesses and rely on donations from community members. The Food Co-Op provides free hampers consisting of non-perishable items to people who are struggling and need a helping hand. Our staff in Bowral were very generous in donating large numbers of food items which the Soul Warmers Café pass on to people in need.
There is much more to enjoying a life of certainty than a place to live. Jessica’s story illustrates how Argyle Housing helped provide a network of support for her study at TAFE.
Argyle Housing offers tenants a range of services throughout their tenancy to support and assist them. The role of the Tenancy Action Worker (TAW) is to visit tenants and build a rapport with them to ensure that they feel welcomed and have access to a range of services. Jessica from Young was helped by the TAW to ease her anxiety regarding her study.
Jessica is an Argyle Housing tenant in Young, and has been living with her mother while she completed her study in a Diploma of Business Administration online. An Argyle Housing TAW connected with Jessica at the commencement of her study in April. Jessica was progressing well with her course and had completed a number of units. However, she hadn’t received any information regarding her assessments that had been submitted recently.
After talking to Jessica about her study, the TAW found that she was worried that time was running out to get her study completed as she had a deadline of June. Jessica was unable to make contact with her supervisor and she was worried about the quality of her work. Jessica also wanted to know if she was meeting the requirements for the course. There had been administrative changes within the course and changes in contact and supervisor details. Jessica hadn’t received the information on these changes and therefore was struggling to make contact and sort out who could support her with her course online.
The TAW contacted the local TAFE as the contact details Jessica had were no longer valid. Due to the course being online, the local TAFE investigated the situation and supplied a number of different numbers of people to contact. The TAW was able to get on to the right person who noted there had been a change in the course structure and supervisor. They were apologetic and Jessica was given an extension to complete her course and new contact details.
Although she felt like giving up at times, she persevered. With the support of the TAW, Jessica was able to submit work and support was given with regard to assignments and reviews of assessments and in July 2019 Jessica received her completion certificate.
The best solutions come from finding out about people’s problems, taking on board feedback, then acting on it. This is why our Tenant Surveys are so important.
Honest communication is built on trust and integrity and upon respect for one another. This year, we once again approached our tenants to ask them how they think we are going, what we are doing well and where we need to improve. We trust and respect our tenants to give us honest and frank feedback that will help us to achieve better outcomes for our tenants and their communities.
Seventy per cent of our tenants took the time to complete the Tenant Satisfaction Survey and we sincerely thank them for participating and providing valuable feedback.
Overall, the majority of tenants are happy with Argyle Housing services. We know we still have a lot of work to do but it is rewarding reading comments such as, “I think myself as lucky. To be approved by Argyle Housing and know my officer will always listen and treat me respectfully without judgement. Argyle Housing is my home, being settled and housed has changed my life.”
82% Overall satisfaction with housing services
78% Overall satisfaction with repairs and maintenance
While the results showed that overall Argyle Housing is perceived positively by tenants, there were areas with room for improvement. As a result of the survey there will be a renewed focus on improving the conditions of properties managed by Argyle Housing and building knowledge on appeals and complaints. A recognition of the desire by tenants to have more influence in decision making is also acknowledged.
Thank you to our tenants
This year Argyle Housing offered two major prize incentives for tenants who completed the survey. In addition to this, minor prizes were drawn in each office location.
Congratulations to our first prize winner, Haifa’a from the ACT.
Haifa’a won a Harvey Norman voucher which she was extremely happy to receive from our CEO, Wendy Middleton. She says that the voucher will go a long way to purchasing some much needed appliances that will help her around the house. In particular, she has her eyes on some new appliances for the kitchen that will help in her love for cooking traditional food from her home country.
Argyle Housing CEO, Wendy Middleton, presented Karen and David with their voucher and thanked them for their participation in the survey. Karen and David are Southern Highlands locals and initially thought that their voucher would go towards a heating appliance. However, in the days before receiving the voucher, their washing machine broke down. So it was very timely and they now own a brand new washer.
All Argyle Housing office teams achieved outstanding survey return rates and there were certainly some innovative ideas from teams on how to engage tenants and encourage them to ‘have a say’. The best performing team was Young with 100 per cent return, closely followed by Griffith and Wagga Wagga with 99 per cent returns. Congratulations to all Argyle Housing employees for their effort.
The winners of the staff office award were recognised for their efforts in gaining a 100 per cent return on tenant surveys with lunch at The Sir George, Jugiong. Congratulations to
Kerryn Bishop, Dawn Nixon, Justin Nyholm, Jaime Grant and Rebecca Tierney.
Argyle Housing is a culturally diverse and geographically dispersed organisation which means that survey results and comments from tenants varied from site to site. What we have done is ask each team to identify three key service delivery indicators to improve on in their location. Teams have each put together action plans and will work with their tenants and community to bring about positive change.
The next Tenant Survey will be in 2021 and we are looking forward to seeing improved results across all locations.
“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela
As part of our commitment to helping everyone fulfil their potential, the past year saw a number of success stories through the Argyle Housing Tertiary Scholarship program.
The program commenced in 2014 and has seen its most successful year to date with additional corporate sponsorships, more participants and outstanding success stories. Scholarships provide opportunities for tenants to commence or continue a course of study that could lead to employment and financial independence. Additionally, tenants have reported improvements in health and mental health, reduced isolation and increased hope for the future.
31 – Argyle Housing tenants were successful in their scholarship application
$37,315.00 – total funding allocated
$26,500 – sponsorship from three corporate and one community sponsor
$10,000 – sponsorship from the Argyle Board of Directors
TAFE is by far the most used training provider with 14 tenants choosing to complete a TAFE course. Eight tenants are currently attending a university and a variety of Registered Training Providers are facilitating other training opportunities.
Five tenants have completed a course of study during the year with one tenant at Ainslie Village securing work as a direct result of the qualification gained.
Qualifications range from a Masters in Pharmacology to a Cert 11 Forklift licence. There has been an increase in requests for assistance in enrolling to complete a practical qualification that could lead directly to employment.
There are four inspiring stories in this annual report from tenants about how the scholarship has helped them turn their lives around. Fatima talks about how, with the help of good people, her life has restarted – “with the help of Argyle Housing, the scholarship, I have been able to start to renew and change my life.” Eli’s dream is to, “obtain my Master of Teaching and be employed at a small school in a rural area, though whether that will be the case, I have no idea.” Ruby and Friba’s stories complete our scholarship round up and we thank all four of these people for sharing their hopes and dreams with us for this annual report.
If you are currently studying or would like to get started, talk to your local Tenancy Action Worker about the Argyle Housing Scholarship.
Friba has been housed with Argyle Housing for two years and has recently been granted an Argyle Tertiary Scholarship. She is studying towards her Certificate III in Childcare and is due to complete her qualification in December this year. Once completed, Friba hopes to find a job as an Educator in the Queanbeyan area.
We all know studying can be challenging at times. To make things harder, Friba is a single mother of three young children and didn’t have a laptop or computer at home. She was finding it difficult to find time to get to the library to study and look after her children.
After receiving the scholarship, Friba bought herself a second-hand laptop so she can study from home. This has made a huge difference for Friba and she can now easily apply for childcare jobs, as well as having more free time.
Friba has always wanted to work with children. She loves their fun and playful nature and hopes to work with toddlers. She has lots of experience as she has raised three children and loves the idea of different cultures coming together as a community.
We cannot wait to see Friba succeed in all her goals and progress in her career as a Childcare Educator.
Friba’s scholarship was made possible by a generous sponsorship from the Energy Industry Super Scheme (EISS). EISS Super has sponsored 10 Argyle Housing scholarships in the current financial year and we cannot thank them enough for their support of Argyle’s tenants.
Eli knew he wanted to become a teacher well before he completed Year 12. Now in the second year of a Bachelor of Arts, Eli is well on the way to achieving his dream.
Growing up in social housing, Eli has experienced challenges in his personal life that could have negatively impacted his ability to study, gain a qualification and employment. However, for Eli’s mum, this was never an option…
“My mum is a massive inspiration for me. She is strong-willed, supportive, and has helped me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Having that knowledge that the end goal is in sight is a motivational drive for me. She is someone I look up to, someone that I strive to be every day. She has taught me many things and is both my mum and my dad.”
Financial stability is a major factor for young people who wish to study and have a career. With the help of the tertiary scholarship, Eli’s financial situation has improved and he is looking forward to being able to continue his study over the next two years.
“To make it or not to make it – to step on the past and get a new lease of life. It must be your decision!”
Fatima is an Argyle Housing Tertiary Scholarship recipient and when Christine Woods, Argyle’s Project and Training Officer, asked her to answer a short survey in relation to her study and how the scholarship has helped, she was surprised by the passion in some of her answers.
“God has the answers, because he brought me here through it all, homelessness to here. His plan is a long life and prosperity, safety and wellbeing.”
Fatima came to Australia as a refugee from Africa and had experienced extended periods of homelessness (over 11 years in total) before being housed by Argyle Housing. She had been harassed, abused, threatened with death, taken advantage of, stolen from and hunted out of places where she stayed in Brisbane and Sydney, finally coming to Canberra about four years ago. At first, nothing changed:
“I was homeless and slept in the parliament area for two years. It was safer there and there was a bathroom.” Two Canberra winters sleeping rough.
Housing agencies involved in two states and the ACT were unable to assist Fatima. As a single woman, she was unable to secure social housing as she was not classed as a priority. Fatima’s health and mental health began to deteriorate and she was unable to find a job due to her homelessness and lack of qualifications.
Eventually, Fatima met a Salvation Army case worker who was willing to advocate for her and help her to find somewhere to live. Fatima first came to Argyle Housing as a tenant at Ainslie Village in February 2018 and transitioned to Common Ground in Gungahlin in June 2018. It was at Common Ground that Fatima met Raija, Argyle Housing’s Tenancy Officer, who she says, “encouraged her and understood her”. Fatima felt safe, respected, supported and part of the Common Ground Community.
“Good people, that’s how life starts – with the help of Argyle Housing, the scholarship, I have been able to start to renew and change my life.”
Fatima completed a Certificate 1V in Community Services in 2018 and will complete her Diploma in September 2019. “Nothing can stop me from achieving my goals and I am very satisfied and proud of myself.”
The next step for Fatima is to find a job where she can help others realise and achieve their dreams. “Sometimes it all seemed too much, too hard. But I was determined with the help of God to renew my life, get my ability to support myself back and step out of the past.”
Fatima has children in Africa that she was separated from when she fled that country. They were lost for some time but have now been found by the Red Cross and she can talk to them on the phone. Once Fatima finds employment, the papers for her children to come to Australia can be processed and this will be the start of another story for this resilient woman.
Argyle Housing is proud to have supported Ruby over the last three years in her quest to complete a Bachelor of Communications and Media/Bachelor of Arts.
Ruby was keen to share the story of her journey so far in the annual report and to urge others who are thinking of studying to, “just do it, don’t falter, and don’t hesitate. If you have an idea, even an inkling of what interests you and what you’re inspired to do, go ahead and grab it.”
For Ruby, the biggest challenges over the last three years have been making a small amount of money go a long way and the commute to and from university. She has found that university can be expensive with textbooks to purchase, travel fares and FEE-HELP loans. Ruby currently works two jobs from home and has a seasonal job around Christmas time. She also travels two hours each way to university which limits the time she can work as well as being an exhausting experience.
The Argyle Housing Tertiary Scholarship has helped resolve some of the financial barriers for Ruby and she has just managed to buy a new laptop after her last one ‘died’.
“The Scholarship has helped me out in dire times. It has removed all that stress of having to plan and budget around university. I’m able to have that relief knowing that the funds are there for the hard times which, admittedly, there are a lot of.”
When we spoke to Ruby in second year of her degree, she commented that she “felt very isolated at my university because I’m one of the only students in my year living in social housing and from a low socio-economic background, so already I feel quite the outsider.” With the help and support of her mother, Ruby has come to realise that it is not where you come from, or the clothes you wear that are important. It is about remaining yourself in a world that is constantly changing and “there is nothing more comforting or important in life that to know who you are.”
Ruby’s rock is her mother who inspires her to do better and to be true to herself. For Ruby, the experience of going to university has changed her life. “I am proud of going to university. I’m proud of being independent and being able to travel on my own. I’m proud I was given the opportunity to go to Melbourne this year, it was my first time ever on a plane and it was such an incredible experience.”
Ruby will be commencing her final year of university in 2020 and, due to ongoing generous sponsorship from our corporate and community partners, the Argyle Housing Tertiary Scholarship will be available to support her again if needed. When asked where she would like to be in 10 years, Ruby replied that, “I would love to be living in the inner west, having gone overseas at least once and working in a career I really love and enjoy. I just want to feel happy and free, like the world is at my feet.”
Argyle Housing would like to acknowledge and thank all the scholarship sponsors including:
Together we are providing opportunity to tenants through respect, empowerment and belief in a better future.
EISS Super respects every person’s right to quality education and the chance to succeed to the best of their ability. At EISS Super we believe that access to knowledge allows people to not only change their own life but also the lives of the people around them. We’re a proud supporter of Argyle Housing and their Tertiary Scholarship program. Over the past year, we’ve supported ten Argyle tenants to further their education across a range of industries from pharmacy and psychology to community services and communications.
Since first becoming partners with Argyle Housing in 2018, we’ve developed a strong and respectful partnership that supports both Argyle Housing’s tenants and employees. EISS Super looks forward to further strengthening our relationship and continuing to support the Tertiary Scholarship program for many years to come.
Alexander Hutchison, CEO EISS Super
A network of community and care
To be able to provide service that is relevant and reflecting society’s current concerns, it is important that the staff of Argyle Housing are in touch with other agencies and organisations, working together towards better outcomes for all.
One way this is achieved is through the Argyle Housing Assets and Allocations team attending community service expos and events. Attendance at these events ensures that the Argyle Housing brand and services are shown to the broader community and are at the forefront of people’s minds when they are looking for a community housing provider.
Each year in March, Argyle Housing’s Access and Allocation team attends the Wollondilly International Women’s Day celebrations in Picton. The event is supported by a range of professional women and support agencies from across the Wollondilly area. This event is intended to showcase organisations and community groups which service women in our community. It is also an opportunity to network with other service providers to build beneficial and respectful relationships.
As a Social Housing provider, Argyle Housing attend to support women facing housing stress. We share information and give advice to those present on the day.
Each October, the Wingecarribee Services Community holds an expo in Bowral showcasing all of the local services. It is open to the public, who access advice, information and have the opportunity to speak face to face with support agencies who may be able to assist with their individual needs.
Access and Allocation’s Senior Assessment Office is part of the organising committee and works tirelessly to support its success. On the day, Argyle Housing staff have an information table and see many clients, assisting with their housing needs and questions. It also enables our staff to network with other local service providers within the Wingecarribee Council area.
Each year Access and Allocations participates in the Wingecarribee NAIDOC festivities. Our involvement this year was attending the Flag raising ceremony held in Moss Vale and attending several presentations showcasing Aboriginal Art and poetry.
Two members of the Access and Allocations team attended the Campbelltown Homeless Hub in June, providing information and advice to homeless clients and support agencies in attendance. We also had the opportunity to network with local Macarthur Services broadening our own knowledge and showcasing our organisation. This has become an annual event, with Argyle Housing also attending the previous year.
When approached by local service providers, Argyle Housing’s Access and Allocation staff attend meetings to pass on knowledge of local housing issues and Social Housing information always representing the values of Argyle Housing.
A fresh start in more ways than one, could apply to the surroundings and the people who are improving their lives at Ainslie Village.
A new initiative of Argyle Housing is improving the living conditions of its residents by refreshing the spaces in which they live so that there is a new level of respect for the space they share.
Argyle Housing has teamed up with volunteer and interior designer Candice from community improvement organisation S.C.E.N.E (Skills Community Education Networks and Environment) to revive Ainslie Village tenant accommodation. Candice believes the condition of living and working spaces directly influence a person’s state of mind.
Many social housing residents have been through or are going through a lot when they come to Ainslie Village. It is hoped that having a space to come home to or wake up in, that’s comforting and welcoming may promote improved emotional, mental and physical health.
Candice has been creating these refreshed spaces for little or no money, using her design skills and also through the clever use of recycled materials and items. Candice says, “There are so many resources that would allow people to have better living conditions for little or no money. Sometimes it just takes some inspiration and a little know how.”
Argyle Housing and Candice run a variety of workshops demonstrating what can be done with found items and recently made over a unit in half a day for zero dollars using workshop techniques. These twice weekly workshops are aimed at promoting community inclusion, to improve living environments, build skills for employment, promote community belonging, and act as a pathway to education and employment networks, whilst caring about the environment.
Along with this program, Argyle Housing continues to address and has a strong commitment to achieving positive outcomes for Ainslie Village residents and the community. The best outcomes for vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals come from a sense of belonging and community, which Argyle Housing helps to provide through an established relationship with the existing community.
In Ainslie Village, Argyle Housing have staff onsite, inclusive of Tenancy Officers, Administration Officers, Tenancy Action Worker, Maintenance Officer, Security Staff, existing relationships with site inducted contractors, cleaners and volunteers, which provides an all-round support service for the residents.
Argyle Housing also have partnerships with local supports who provide onsite services to residents with high and complex service needs. These supports include but are not limited to: Directions Health Nurse, General Practitioner and Alcohol and Other Drug counselling, Flourish Mental Health, Salvation Army Doorways caseworkers, Orange Sky Laundry, St Vincent De Paul (Blue Door), and the Mobile Dental Van.
Ainslie Village residents are supported, wherever possible, to access private market or affordable housing in the first instance, with access to social housing within Ainslie Village for those with high, long term complex support needs. Argyle Housing has an extensive network of relationships within the community housing and private rental market in the ACT and NSW for other programs, which maximise opportunities for residents to transition into alternative housing options.
Building self respect through self care
We all love the feeling of crawling into bed with a fresh, clean set of sheets. Ainslie Village residents in conjunction with Orange Sky laundry, now have the chance to share in this feeling. Orange Sky Laundry visits Ainslie Village regularly to offer residents the opportunity to clean their clothes and have a chat.
This is a great opportunity for residents to talk with the volunteers of Orange Sky and make real connections outside their normal circle. The volunteers make the residents feel at ease by making genuine connections through treating them as they would like to be treated.
Ainslie Village residents rely on this service, not only for cleaning their clothes but also for the conversations they have with the people they meet.
Orange Sky Laundry visits Ainslie Village every Tuesdays from 9.30 am till 11.30 am and monthly on the second Friday and the fourth Friday of the month.
Good dental care is important for the body’s overall health and important for the wellbeing of individuals. However, access to dental services can be limited due largely to cost. The Mobile Dental Van provides better access to dental services for the vulnerable and disadvantaged. The Mobile Dental Service is operated by Canberra Health Services and has been operating in Canberra since 2018. The coordinator contacted Argyle Housing late last year and arranged for the Dental Van to be stationed on the Ainslie Village site every week. The Dental van visits started on Thursdays in 2019 and they kept going for a few months. They found that Ainslie Village residents felt respected and valued by the dentists and staff, and demand grew until now they see six to eight tenants every time.
One of the Ainslie Village tenants was in dire need of some dental work as her teeth were one of the reasons she lacked self-confidence. Amelia has been a tenant for 10 years and suffers from Bipolar and Dissociative Identity Disorder. Three months ago, the staff at Argyle Housing noticed that Amelia’s mental health was rapidly declining and they were becoming concerned. The Tenancy Action Worker sought out Amelia’s family contacts and located her mother, Melanie, who lived interstate. Melanie was not aware of her daughter’s mental health issues and had lost contact with Amelia over the years. After Argyle Housing made contact with Melanie she was able to travel to Canberra to support her daughter. Melanie worked closely with Argyle Housing staff who encouraged her to engage with mental health services on site. Amelia had also lost almost all her teeth due to lack of dental support over her lifetime which meant that Amelia can only eat pureed food or fluids due to her dental issues. The Tenancy Action Worker has been assisting her in completing an application to ‘Rebuilding Smiles’, a program that provides dental care for women experiencing domestic violence. However, as Amelia was not experiencing domestic violence she did not meet the criteria to have her veneer work done under this program. Despite this, the Tenancy Action Worker worked closely with Amelia through the application process and advocated strongly on her behalf. As a consequence of this advocacy Amelia has been accepted by the program `Rebuilding Smiles’ and she is currently on a waiting list to have her veneers completed which will have an incredibly positive impact on her long term physical and mental health.
The intervention and support by the Tenancy Action Worker have allowed Amelia to reconnect with her mother, extended family, mental health supports, NDIS, dental assistance, the Public Trustee and Guardian to help manage her funds and to maintain her tenancy and quality of life.
At Argyle Housing we pride ourselves on the connections and relationship we build. These can be either through the ways in which we relate to our tenants or the connections we make to the community services and charities that form part of our larger family.
So it is important that our staff support charity campaigns that raise awareness about the factors that can negatively affect our tenants. Whether that be raising money for cancer research or bringing awareness to the plight of homelessness, our staff go above and beyond to join in campaigns and help inform our community of the broad range of issues that need addressing.
Here are some examples of ways in which Argyle staff have participated in awareness days:
Flannie Day is an awareness and action day focussing on the issues of homelessness and hunger in Australia.
On 7 August 2019, Argyle Housing Wagga Wagga participated in Flannie Day. The office staff wore flannelette shirts for the day and brought in non-perishable food items which were donated to a charity St Vincent De Paul. The simple act of wearing a flannelette shirt showed that the Argyle Housing staff have a respect for the plight of the homeless and the need to feed those who are going hungry each day.
Cheese brings everyone together – this is why it was such a great opportunity to bring friends, family or co-workers together in March over cheesy foods to raise awareness, demonstrate respect and raise valuable funds for the prevention of violence against women.
The initiative aims to provide vital funds to help support the national primary prevention campaign. This aims to stop violence before it occurs, through education initiatives in schools, workplaces and the broader community.
Argyle Housing co-hosted with Family and Community Services liaison officer, Hannah Wanless, the Yass Interagency meeting group, incorporating ‘Cheese for Change’ into a morning tea. The focus of the morning tea was to raise awareness within our society and local communities of the impact domestic and family violence has on the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, communities and our country as a whole.
Argyle Tenancy Officer for Yass, Tara Barrett, was the speaker for this event and she highlighted the latest statistics, including but not limited to, prevalence, demographics affected, social norms, service provision impact and fiscal costs. The meeting was attended by numerous community organisations, including: Yass Valley Council, Anglicare, Berrinba Public School, Family Referral Service, and Pathways Youth Case Manager. The event raised $30, with an additional $50 already being donated to the Everyday Heroes Page by Yass Argyle Housing office.
Effective communication between Argyle Housing, tenants and local communities is recognised as one of the most essential building blocks to create a brighter future together.
Tenant participation is an important way of connecting people, not only within the communities in which they live but also between tenants and Argyle Housing. Tenant Participation Committees were created to ensure that these connections were being made on a regular basis and tenants felt that their opinions, ideas and thoughts were being respected and valued.
Read full storyThere is much more to enjoying a life of certainty than a place to live. Jessica’s story illustrates how Argyle Housing helped provide a network of support for her study at TAFE.
Argyle Housing offers tenants a range of services throughout their tenancy to support and assist them. The role of the Tenancy Action Worker (TAW) is to visit tenants and build a rapport with them to ensure that they feel welcomed and have access to a range of services. Jessica from Young was helped by the TAW to ease her anxiety regarding her study.
Read full storyThere is much more to enjoying a life of certainty than a place to live. Jessica’s story illustrates how Argyle Housing helped provide a network of support for her study at TAFE.
First Prize Winners: Haifa’a from the ACT
Second Prize Winners: Karen & David from the Southern Highlands
“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela
As part of our commitment to helping everyone fulfil their potential, the past year saw a number of success stories through the Argyle Housing Tertiary Scholarship program.
The program commenced in 2014 and has seen its most successful year to date with additional corporate sponsorships, more participants and outstanding success stories. Scholarships provide opportunities for tenants to commence or continue a course of study that could lead to employment and financial independence. Additionally, tenants have reported improvements in health and mental health, reduced isolation and increased hope for the future.
Read full storyTo be able to provide service that is relevant and reflecting society’s current concerns, it is important that the staff of Argyle Housing are in touch with other agencies and organisations, working together towards better outcomes for all.
One way this is achieved is through the Argyle Housing Assets and Allocations team attending community service expos and events. Attendance at these events ensures that the Argyle Housing brand and services are shown to the broader community and are at the forefront of people’s minds when they are looking for a community housing provider.
Read full storyA fresh start in more ways than one, could apply to the surroundings and the people who are improving their lives at Ainslie Village.
A new initiative of Argyle Housing is improving the living conditions of its residents by refreshing the spaces in which they live so that there is a new level of respect for the space they share.
Argyle Housing has teamed up with volunteer and interior designer Candice from community improvement organisation S.C.E.N.E (Skills Community Education Networks and Environment) to revive Ainslie Village tenant accommodation. Candice believes the condition of living and working spaces directly influence a person’s state of mind.
Read full storyOrange Sky laundry
We all love the feeling of crawling into bed with a fresh, clean set of sheets. Ainslie Village residents in conjunction with Orange Sky laundry, now have the chance to share in this feeling. Orange Sky Laundry visits Ainslie Village regularly to offer residents the opportunity to clean their clothes and have a chat.
Mobile dental clinic
Good dental care is important for the body’s overall health and important for the wellbeing of individuals. However, access to dental services can be limited due largely to cost. The Mobile Dental Van provides better access to dental services for the vulnerable and disadvantaged.
Read full storyAt Argyle Housing we pride ourselves on the connections and relationship we build. These can be either through the ways in which we relate to our tenants or the connections we make to the community services and charities that form part of our larger family.
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