Social Housing

What is Social Housing?

Social housing provides rental homes for individuals who are unable to find suitable accommodation in the private rental market. It is offered by non-profit organisations and government entities to help low to moderate-income individuals in Australia.

To access social housing, applicants must meet eligibility criteria set by their state or territory government, which can be done through an application process. Both NSW and the ACT have their own housing registers and waiting lists. When applying, applicants can choose their preference to receive offers for housing from public housing, community housing providers, or both.

Public housing refers to social housing owned or managed by Housing NSW or Housing ACT, while community housing refers to social housing owned or managed by community housing providers like Argyle Housing.

There are three key factors that differentiate social housing from renting in the private market:

Allocation Process

Social housing is allocated based on administrative guidelines set by the provider. These guidelines determine eligibility criteria for tenancy, including income limitations to ensure that only low-income households qualify.

Rent Considerations

The rent charged to clients is typically capped at market rates and then discounted based on the client’s ability to pay without financial strain. The common practice is to limit rent to 30% of the household’s income.

Long-Term Stability

Social housing offers more stable and long-term occupancy compared to private rental tenancies. After an initial fixed-term, the tenancy becomes ongoing or is renewed with a series of fixed terms for as long as the household needs it.

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