Social Housing

Looking for Social Housing?

To qualify for social housing, you must meet the eligibility requirements set by your state or territory.

Both NSW and the ACT have their own housing register and waiting list. When applying for social housing, you can choose your preference for offers from Public Housing, Community Housing providers, or both.

Public Housing refers to properties owned or managed by Housing NSW or Housing ACT. Community Housing is owned or managed by Community Housing Providers like Argyle Housing.

Check out the resources below to see if you’re eligible:

How can I apply for Social Housing?

Social Housing is one of the options available when applying for housing assistance. If you’re already a client of a social housing provider, you can also apply for additional assistance.

Typically, applicants must be at least 18 years old, but there are exceptions for clients aged 16 or over. For more details, check out the Eligibility for Social Housing Policy. You can submit your application online or apply by phone at 1800 422 322.

We’re here to help you find a home. Start your Social Housing journey today.

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