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The month of June is Pride Month

To celebrate and show our support for diversity and inclusion, we will be making our logo rainbow on social media for the month of June.
Please keep an eye out on our social platforms for a post and logo change today.


This term is an expanded version of the LGBT acronym we are most familiar with. It typically stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and everyone else who may not identify with one of these other banners being represented by the +.


A woman who is attracted to other women.


Someone who is attracted to someone of the same gender. Typically refers to homosexual men but can be used more broadly.


Bisexual is a term for people who are attracted to people of their own and other genders. Often incorrectly simplified as someone attracted to men and women, this is an oversimplification as the bisexual community has traditionally been very open to those outside of the binary of male and female.


Transgender is an umbrella term for those who do not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth.


Queer is considered a catch-all term for all identities under the LBGTQIA+ banner as well as an identity in its own right for those who do not fully identify with any one label. For many people within the community, this will be the preferred term when compared to LGBT or LGBTQIA+ as it is seen as more inclusive and less of a mouthful. However, it’s origin as a slur against the community makes its use understandably controversial for some.


Intersex is a term used to describe those who biologically have characteristics, either chromosomal, physical or hormonal, that don’t prescribe to our binary perceptions of male and female. These conditions are quite common, with it believed to be as high as 2% of the population who have some form of intersex condition.


Someone who does not experience sexual attraction. Often asexual people are faced with a lot of unwanted sexual pressure and harmful expectations.




Pronouns are the words we use to refer to someone when we are not using their name. Common examples are she/they/he. For trans people pronouns are very important as using their chosen pronouns shows you respect them and their gender. A lot of people struggle to use the correct pronouns and this can cause offence, but it is important to keep actively trying to get them right to show respect.


They/them are gender neutral pronouns, akin to he/him or she/her. Despite what a lot of people believe, they has been commonly used as a gender neutral pronoun for singular individuals for hundreds of years in English, we just don’t often think about it when we use it. For non-binary people this is most commonly the prefered pronoun, but other variations such as Ze/Zir and other new pronouns have been suggested.


A term to describe those whose gender is not strictly male or female. There are many variations of non-binary identities, with it often acting as an umbrella term for a number of communities. Many non-binary people tend to use pronouns different to the typical he/she. They/them is the most common, but other variations do exist. If you ever want to know someone’s pronouns, do not be afraid to ask.

Gender fluid

Gender fluid is often put under the non-binary banner, and it is for those whose gender identity can fluctuate. Some may feel more masculine at times, more feminine at others or a gender experience somewhere between or beyond these binaries.


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