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Strategic Plan 2022-2024

Argyle Housing Strategic Plan 2022-2024

Argyle Housing’s 2022-2024 Corporate Strategy sets a clear strategic direction with aspirational goals for the years ahead.

The review and consultation process occurred during the most recent NSW pandemic lockdown. Our focus was on the long-term sustainability of our organisation to provide high quality community housing across our network.

Our people have demonstrated exceptional resilience and perseverance throughout floods, bushfires and the COVID pandemic. Their determination meant we maintained our high standard of tenancy and property management services. We are grateful for their efforts.

In 2022 new initiatives will be based on insights from industry and stakeholder research. Clients will continue to remain at the centre of our decision making and service delivery.

Our sincere thanks to all our consultation process participants. Their views are valued, and recommended ideas will help create the community-focused Argyle Housing we will strive to achieve. The Argyle Housing Board, Executive and Staff are committed to adapting our organisation to serve evolving community housing needs into the future.

Carolyn Doherty




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