2023 Digital Annual Report

Our Clients

Christmas giving tree 2022

At Christmas last year, instead of giving each other Christmas presents, Argyle Housing staff picked a tag off the Christmas Giving Tree. The tag indicated it was a present for a boy, girl, mother or father. The presents were wrapped and given to local support services for distribution to families in need.

It was so successful, that we are also doing a food drive for 2023. Each office will link in with their local service providers to ensure that the Christmas presents, and food will be going to go to those in need.

The Christmas Spirit is alive and well at Argyle Housing with the knowledge that the gifts will be putting a smile on a child’s face, as well as providing some form of relief to their parents.

Christmas Southwest Sydney

Argyle Housing in Southwest Sydney initiated a commendable holiday drive with their Christmas Giving Tree. This initiative sought to embody the true essence of the festive season – giving and sharing joy. From local businesses to generous individuals, the community and Argyle Housing staff rallied together, offering a heartening display of solidarity and spirit, amassing an impressive collection of Christmas presents and food donations. Gift cards and entertainment passes were handed out to clients to help over the Christmas period, around 40 gifts (which we were fortunate enough to have donated from services as well as bringing in our own items and non-perishable items were donated to We Are Community. Our staff member Maddison made contact with Baker’s Delight, they had offered to donate any unsold stock on Christmas Eve to help out We Are Community. Maddison collected various items including breads, rolls, savouries and cakes, and dropped them off to Paul for the Christmas Breakfast. Baker’s Delight has been generous enough to donate unsold stock once a week to We Are Community, which passed on all details to the service.

These tokens of goodwill were gratefully received at the Argyle Housing office, with Paul from We Are Community taking up the mantle of Santa Claus. He took on the responsibility for the distribution of the presents, ensuring they reached the doorsteps of families in need within the community. The initiative not only brought joy to those families but also cultivated a sense of unity and shared purpose among those who contributed, further strengthening the community’s bond. The Christmas Giving Tree project served as a shining example of holiday spirit, highlighting the transformative power of collective effort.

Client Christmas Bowral

The Bowral Client Christmas party, masterfully organised by the Client Support Specialists within the Bowral office, exemplified festive cheer and community spirit. Nestled within the heart of the Bowral Uniting Church, the event witnessed over 30 Clients converging for an afternoon of camaraderie and celebration. The atmosphere was electric, with attendees revelling in the festivities, their faces aglow with joy and contentment.

A delicious spread of food was laid out, tantalising the taste buds of the attendees, and adding to the warmth and conviviality of the occasion. The event’s crowning glory was the performance by a local ukulele troop. Their melodious tunes filled the air, creating a vibrant soundtrack for the afternoon. The crowd was swept up in the music, joining in the sing-alongs, their voices raised in communal harmony.

The party served not only as a celebration but also as a testament to the power of community and shared joy. It was a memorable event, leaving everyone with a sense of belonging and the warmth of shared experiences. The Bowral Client Christmas party was indeed a testament to the spirit of the Christmas.

Client Awards December 2022

At our most recent Stakeholder meetings in our regional offices, awards were handed out to Clients that had gone above and beyond.

Every year we take an opportunity to acknowledge and applaud the wonderful work being done by many of our Clients.

The people outlined below have been nominated by our very own Clients for their contributions they make within Argyle Housing and to the wider community. This year we presented awards for the Community Spirit, Responsibility, Volunteering and Good Neighbour Award.


Sue King – Community Spirit Award
Patricia Bowles – Good Neighbour Award
Wayne Dunn – Good Neighbour Award
Jacob Lane – Responsible Client Award

Wagga Wagga

Franc Macri – Good Neighbour Award
Donna Lehmann – Community Spirit Award
Lorraine Searle – Good Neighbour Award
Diane Millward – Community Spirit Award
Katherine Parker – Good Neighbour Award
Catherine Harris – Responsible Client Award


Dane Martinovic – Responsible Client Award
Peter Gilligan – Community Spirit
Elan Morisset-Hosking – Volunteer Award
Graeme Flaherty – Good Neighbour Award
Abraham Tesfazghi Berhane – Good Neighbour Award
Mark Niceski – Volunteer Award


Serrina Kenny – Responsible Client Award
Sandy O’Hara – Good Neighbour Award
Jodie Hemsworth – Community Spirit
Kathleen Loxley – Good Neighbour Award
Elaine Griffiths – Good Neighbour Award

Further awards at our other office locations will be handed out at our next Client Forums throughout November and December.

Client portal update

Argyle Housing’s innovative Client Portal has experienced a substantial increase in user engagement month on month, demonstrating its success in enhancing the client experience. The portal offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for clients to navigate and execute a number of tasks. A notable feature that has gained popularity is the online payment function, which simplifies the process of rent payments.

Clients are now opting to utilise the portal’s payment function for its convenience and efficiency, resulting in a noticeable upturn in its usage. Additionally, the accessibility to rent statements has been another highly utilised feature. It offers clients an effortless way to review their rental history and keep track of their payments, contributing to the portal’s growing popularity. This continual month-on-month growth in portal usage underscores the portal’s effectiveness, confirming its role as a valuable tool for Argyle Housing’s clients.

Client forums

The Argyle Housing Client Forums held in Yass, Goulburn, Conder and Young during the year have brought about several positive outcomes, enhancing our capacity to serve our clients better. The forums, designed as a platform for open communication directly with our CEO, enabled our Clients to voice their experiences and provide valuable insights into their housing needs.

The forum in Yass witnessed a strong turnout and constructive dialogues about tailoring our services to meet unique community needs. Participants in Goulburn were particularly keen on fostering community engagement, sparking initiatives for regular meet-ups and community activities. In Conder, there was an enthusiastic discussion about home maintenance and repair, leading to the implementation of an improved maintenance plan. The Young forum highlighted the need for increased clarity on rent calculation, prompting the creation of a comprehensive rent guide now available on our portal.

These forums have greatly reinforced Argyle Housing’s commitment to Client-centric service. They’ve yielded critical feedback, helping us to enhance our Client Portal’s functionality and user experience. The dialogue created at these forums has been instrumental in shaping our services to better suit our Clients’ needs, and the overwhelmingly positive response from clients has underscored their effectiveness.

In summary, the Client Forums have not only strengthened our relationship with clients but also led to direct improvements in our services and tools, reflecting Argyle Housing’s dedication to continual improvement. We are excited for what the future holds and are committed to hosting these forums regularly to keep the conversation going and the improvements flowing.

Giving a helping hand

We would like to take this opportunity to give a big shout out and recognition to some of our amazing Argyle Housing team members.

Lisa from our Southwest Sydney office went to her manager with a Client she was concerned about. He was 74 years old, living in very small rural community, reported no family, no friends, no reliable supports, mental health concerns, a cancer diagnosis, declining health, living in a private rental, and having no money for food after rent. He was enquiring as to when he might receive social housing. When the call ended the man asked Lisa “Please don’t forget about me like everyone else”.

Lisa and her manager investigated his housing circumstances and the possibility of a move as he is eligible for social housing, and he was 13th on the list for his area. With the lack of vacancies this could take years. This Client is not a tenant of Argyle Housing but rang to gain support for his social housing status in that area. After some significant engagement from Lisa, she was able to ascertain he travels to major regional town for treatment which is 2+ hours one way. Due to his extreme isolation and lack of supports we agreed to discuss this location as a change of circumstances for him to get housing. This would increase his social supports and other supports available to access, he would be close to his specialist, his wait on social housing would be significantly decreased and we could work closely with this gentleman reducing the isolation he experiences in current town with little to no services. We knew this would not be an instant help for him now as he was hungry and so was his companion dog – a Jack Russell.

Lisa and the team called Jennifer from our nearby local office to see if she knew of any supports who could offer food to him for the weekend. As we know Jennifer has been making ready to eat meals and donating these, and she had some at home ready to go. Jennifer went home and to get these meals and, in the course, obtained many more donations from her connections in the community. Lucky that on this day Kristy was at this Office and was able to safely deliver the necessities to the gentleman on the way home. Kristy reported that he cried and was so grateful that we didn’t forget him and were able to show such kindness and compassion. He was even hesitant to take the donations thinking there are more people in need.

Outcome: The gentleman is now on the list for housing, and we anticipate that with the changes made to his application he will be housed, and some intensive support work can commence in the next six months to improve this man’s life and quality of it. Thanks to Julie Roberts for taking this on board to see it through to the end and EVERYONE ELSE who contributed to ensuring that we didn’t see someone go hungry, or unheard. You all really made a difference to this gentleman’s life on the weekend and hopefully for his future. THANK you.

Reverend Richard Milne

This is the story of Reverend Richard and his wife who contacted Argyle Housing when times got tough…

Hello, my name is Reverend Richard Milne. My wife and I were in a unit after many years of working and living on farms as caretakers. Then we got to the point where I couldn’t do the work anymore because of my physical disabilities. There was no way we could afford private rental on a disability and carers pension so, I rang Argyle Housing and said please can you help us, as we are going to be homeless.

We are so grateful, from not having to pay exorbitant rent and also not needing to cut back on health assistance and food etc. or living in a tent somewhere. The appreciation we have of being told that we are moving into a 2-bedroom home and hearing the news that we can live here for the rest of our life, if that is what we want, has given my wife security and me the security that she is feeling secure, and so we’ve been able to retire.

Through the NDIS, I now have an electric bed that I can adjust, I have this recliner, this table, a mobility scooter outside, personal care providers that come in five days a week.

The only thing I had problems with here (in my home) was the bathroom. I had to climb into a bath and the shower was then over the bath, and then climb out of it. I have multiple physical ailments which causes mobility problems and getting in and out of the bath was becoming harder and harder. Also mentally dealing with my body deteriorating to the point where I can’t do the things that I know I can do, has been difficult.

So, I got my OT (occupational therapist) out and said we need to look at getting the bathroom fixed. Can I get it done funded by NDIS? He said probably not because you are renting. But then in conversation, I heard that if you are on the NDIS and with a Community Housing Provider that you may be able to get it done. So, we went ahead with an Argyle Housing approval for modifications and got (NDIS) funding approved for the whole bathroom renovation. The tradesmen were brilliant.

We had a mobile bathroom with a ramp that we used while we got the bathroom renovated. I used this for a month while they were here. New ceiling, new walls, kept the original concrete flooring but they re-tiled it. They took away the toilet and replaced it… now it’s a bidet! You can control everything from the remote. And the shower, the difference it has made just walking in. I do have a chair for when it is a bit more difficult, and the shower is fully adjustable. You feel like a millionaire. We’ve never had a new bathroom and now we have this sparkling white one. It’s made such a difference for both of us. I’m so grateful we were able to get approval to do it and then that we were able to get the funding to be able to get it done.

The support I get from being involved in the Moss Vale Men’s Shed, the knowledge that we are secure in a home here, the help and the assistance we receive through Argyle Housing and the staff there, I love them and I like to make them laugh. We want to give back to Argyle Housing because of what we have received.

“We don’t just come back to the house, we come home.”

If you are in a similar situation to Richard and his wife, please discuss your options with your Client Support Specialist. You may be eligible to receive funding through your NDIS to help to set up your home according to your needs, provide ease of use and maximise your safety.

9 year friendship

In the heart of Argyle Housing’s robust community, a friendship blossomed that has withstood the test of time.

Nine years ago, on one of Argyle Housing’s client engagement events, four women, Sandy, Wendy, Grace, and Trish crossed paths. Organised by the ever-dedicated Bernadette, an Argyle Housing staff member, this engagement activity unknowingly sowed the seeds of an unbreakable bond.

Sandy, with her unwavering optimism, often found herself acting as the group’s motivator. Wendy, on the other hand, was the practical one, always coming up with solutions to problems. Grace, with her empathetic soul, offered an ear to listen and a shoulder to lean on. And Trish, the adventurous spirit, encouraged the group to step out of their comfort zones and embrace life’s challenges head-on.

Through the years, the foursome faced a myriad of trials and tribulations. From health battles with illness, challenging times, employment struggles, and family issues, they braved storms together and emerged stronger. Their shared experiences, laughter, tears, and triumphs formed the bedrock of their friendship, and they turned to each other in times of need.

They celebrated birthdays together, spent holidays as a family, and weathered many a storm as a united front. Each story they tell today is filled with laughter and occasional tears, echoing their shared history. Today, they fondly look back on their journey, cherishing how far they’ve come. Sandy, Wendy, Grace, and Trish, best friends brought together by Argyle Housing, are not just friends; they are family.

Their tale is a testament to the profound impact that Argyle Housing’s community development efforts have on the lives of their clients. It illustrates the transformative power of friendship and serves as an inspiring benchmark of community spirit for others. This foursome’s unique story reminds us of the incredible ways in which Argyle Housing continues to nurture and foster close-knit communities.

Serrina Kenny

Serrina Kenny is an Argyle Housing Client that has taken advantage of the Argyle Housing Scholarship to assist her with her studies. She lives with her husband and two boys in Queanbeyan, NSW but originally was from Batemans Bay. Living most of her life in Queensland in a little town called Stanthorpe, she then moved back to Batemans Bay when she was about 16 years old.

This year is a huge milestone for Serrina as she has just completed her Bachelor of Law degree at the University of Canberra. Her study journey with university started with enrolling in a Bachelor of Education degree, but she felt that she needed something with a few more pathways so she chose to enroll in Law. When talking about why she wanted to pursue law she said she wanted to use it to advocate and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are overrepresented in the criminal justice system.

Only 3%-4% of the total population of Australia identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, yet more than 29% of Australia’s prison population are Aboriginal (Source: Aboriginal prison rates – Creative Spirits, retrieved from https://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/law/aboriginal-prison-rates). Similarly, they are overrepresented in the family law system. Serrina believes these people would be better legally represented by someone of their same culture. “Having someone represent them who is ATSI gives the Client less anxiety and stress at such an important stage in their life.”

For Serrina having the opportunity of a scholarship means she can take time off when she needs to complete the required tasks associated with her degree. It allows her to improve her knowledge of the law which she says before commencing her studies she had no prior law related learning. “The Scholarship helps in more ways than I could put on paper. The stress of living and the need to go to work to make money takes away time from studying. It basically is a ripple effect on how things work and how it helps.” Like many of our Argyle Housing Client’s who receive scholarships the most assistance the funds provide for Serrina are textbooks, transport, and parking. All costs which can sometimes be unexpected or overlooked when considering a study budget.

One of the best moments so far of Serrina’s study experience was “When I enrolled in the first unit to ’try’ it out to see if I liked it, it grabbed me so hard I needed to enroll in more units as soon as possible. But I had to wait until l was accepted by the law faculty to enroll in the Bachelor of Law. I remember that day when I was accepted, I was working as a cashier at a local butcher, and I was so excited when I received that email.”

Serrina expresses that she is most proud of getting to this point.

“I don’t have a specific point or achievement that I am most proud of other than doing the degree as that is a massive achievement. Being the first person in my family to obtain a bachelor’s degree and attend university is a huge milestone.”

Moving forward Serrina’s ambition is to be admitted to practice law. “My next goal is to obtain the practical learning training diploma and seek admission to the court to become a lawyer. Hopefully in the criminal law area. I also wish to provide motivation for others in the community to complete similar milestones to benefit the indigenous people.”

We are so proud of Serrina and think she is a wonderful example to others of determination and taking initiative toward a better future for herself and her family and her community. Her passion to improve the future of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, particularly those within the criminal justice system, is much admired and we support Serrina as she continues to work hard toward her goals.

The latest news on Serrina is that she has now achieved the goal of doing her practical legal training and have been admitted to practice. Serrina is now working in the ACT Magistrates Court as an Associate to Magistrate Louise Taylor.

Congratulations Serrina!

Julia’s poem

Poetry in Aid of Cancer Charity

After Julia’s successful treatment for breast cancer, she wanted to do something to raise money for cancer. She wanted to use the gift she has of writing poetry to write a book of poetry to raise money for Rare Cancers in Bowral. One of the Poems is called ‘Don’t Give Up’, this poem was written in December 2018, during the time of Julia’s treatment. Walking down the street in Moss Vale where they live and there was tarmac on the side of the road and a little purple flower peeking out of the tarmac and it inspired her to write this poem.

Don’t Give Up

It was a dark and dreary day;
My feet just felt like lumps of clay.
My mind agog with many things
And all the care that worry brings.

My eyes were searching for inspiration;
A little spark to raise elation.
T’was then I saw a tiny flower
Shine purple – bright with glorious power.

The tarmac hadn’t stopped its flight,
It pushed on through with all it’s might;
To smile at me and lift my face,
Reminding me of God’s good grace.

To not give up when things seem bad;
To lift me up and make me glad;
To push on through the trial and sorrow,
T’will point me to a new tomorrow

Eddie’s garden

Improving the gardens at his complex.

Eddie is an Argyle Housing Client who lives at a complex in Picton. He loves to work in the garden and has an extensive knowledge of different types of plants and loves working within the space to make something new and creative in the garden. Eddie is innovative with his ideas and resources; this makes him a whiz at turning a run-down garden bed into a magical garden space.

After a time of being unable to work in the garden, Eddie was able to get back into it and decided to proceed with a new style and plan. The garden had become overgrown and needed a lot of love, so it was time for an upgrade and a perfect fresh canvas for Eddie. He has worked his magic again, installing some garden water and light features powered by solar panels, rock walls, steppingstones and some lovely colourful plants peeking through. It was wonderful to visit Eddie’s Garden and we can’t wait to continue to see the progress as it grows, and the residents continue enjoy the space.

Grow Community Garden

Project GROW is a Community garden by Community Links Wellbeing and is maintained by local volunteers.

It’s a place where people can come and utilise our space to grow their own vegetables and fruits and meet some like-minded people. Beginning from September 13th we will be partnering with The Royal Botanic gardens to provide our community with ongoing workshops to help with sustainable living, ease cost of living pressures through learning how to grow their own products and many more.

Every Thursday 9 – 11 we now have a social group that meets at the garden, to have morning tea and meet some other locals. Some like jump in the garden, others just like to kick back in the sun and have a yarn. All ages are welcome, and we can also provide activities for Children. For more information and to register your interest contact:

  • emma@commnitylinks.org.au or call 02 4683 2776 or see our Facebook page
  • Location 122 Hawthorne Rd Bargo (Bonnie Cottage)

We Are Community and Community Links Wellbeing hold a free breakfast every Saturday from 9 am – 10.30 am, meet new friends, everybody is welcome. Follow both We Are Community and Community Links Wellbeing on Facebook.

Written by Tony, an Argyle Housing Client

Letter to my 17 year old self

My graduation ceremony is coming up on the 2nd of May where I will officially receive my double degree after studying for six long… LONG years.

I started university when I was 17 and finished at 24 and I feel like the person who walked into class for the very first time is very different to the person who walked out of class for the very last time.

I have entered into a period of reflection where I feel slightly sad that my journey has finally come to an end, and I am looking back at where I began.

I think I would say to my 17-year-old self to have more confidence in my endurance and stamina, that I can multi-task and balance my life a lot more than I thought I could.

Sleep when you can, there will be times when you’re living off 3 hours of sleep and 3 cans of Red Bull is not going to help, you need to nap and rest more.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help, there is nothing shameful about reaching out and asking for a hand, you will feel nervous but the relief you feel when you do receive it?

Totally worth it.

And finally,

It will be one of the best experiences you have had thus far.

Let’s see what another six years will bring.

By Ruby, an Argyle Housing Client

The friendly brotherhood

Meet the Wollondilly Men’s Social Group.

A Fun, Friendly Gathering for Blokes!

Back in 2019, we noticed something missing in our community – a casual place for guys to hang out, chat about anything (or nothing), and simply enjoy a much-needed break from the daily grind. And that’s how the Wollondilly Men’s Social Group, Men’s BBQ was born! This fantastic group brings blokes together, giving them a chance to relax, connect, and just be themselves.

Our humble beginnings started with a small gathering of 6 guys at the pub, where mates supported the group’s startup. Realising we were onto something great; we approached the Wollondilly Shire Council for a grant to cover the cost of BBQs. Our initiative has grown immensely since then, and we’re proud to say that we now host around 20 guys at our monthly BBQ get-togethers.

Our community is expanding further, with over 430 guys on our Facebook page and another 20 who get a text whenever we fire up the grill! We encourage you to follow us on Facebook to stay in the loop regarding upcoming BBQ events, news, and happenings within our fantastic group.

For more information, don’t hesitate to reach out to Mark at pictonmensgroup@gmail.com.

Join the Wollondilly Men’s Social Group, Men’s BBQ today and become part of the fun and friendly brotherhood that’s changing the way guys socialise and unwind!

Arrivederci, Matteo!

As Matteo returns to Italy, we fondly reflect on his unwavering contributions to the Argyle Housing community. His passion for gardening not only brought life to our offices, but also brightened our days. Matteo’s dedication and care in cultivating fresh produce will be greatly missed, just as his warm presence will be. His departure not only leaves a void, but also creates a legacy that embodies the spirit of generosity and camaraderie.

Matteo’s generosity has had a profound and lasting impact on our community. His abundant garden offerings not only nourished our bodies, but also uplifted our spirits. His acts of kindness served as constant reminders of the close-knit and inclusive community we strive for at Argyle Housing. His simplicity and humility were contagious, inspiring many of us to contribute in our own ways and strengthen the bonds of our community. It’s truly undeniable that Matteo has left an unforgettable mark on the Argyle Housing Wagga community. His legacy of generosity will continue to inspire and motivate us for years to come.

Matteo was more than just a tenant; he was a dear friend and a cherished member of our Argyle Housing family. We wish him a joyful reunion with his family in Italy and a future filled with happiness and prosperity.

Arrivederci, Matteo! Your Argyle Housing Wagga family will miss you.

Charles’ poem

Argyle Housing do their best.

Argyle Housing do their best
To have a home we are blessed
Affordable rent roof overhead
A place to live and sleep safe in bed

When there is something broken
From leaky pipe to switch that is smokin
Call the fire brigade is the thing to do
When all is clear ring 4627 0002

The maintenance team make life a breeze
Fixing the problem with utmost Eze
All praise and thanks I am espousing
To the one and only Argyle Housing

By Charles, a Client of Argyle Housing

Client survey results

Argyle Housing, known for its commitment to fostering diverse and inclusive communities, continues to set the bar high with its latest initiative.

With a focus on continuous improvement and Client satisfaction, Argyle Housing conducted its biennial confidential survey this year, garnering an impressive level of participation. The response rate was an outstanding 70%, with 1,711 clients taking the time to share their invaluable feedback.

This remarkable participation is a testament to the sense of community and engagement nurtured by Argyle Housing. The fact that such a large proportion of Clients chose to contribute their perspectives speaks volumes about their trust and confidence in the organisation. It also underscores the clients’ recognition of the important role their feedback plays in shaping Argyle Housing’s services.

Argyle Housing would like to extend its sincere gratitude to each and every Client who answered the survey. Their input is invaluable, providing insights that will help shape the future direction of the organisation’s services and initiatives. This feedback loop is critical in ensuring that Argyle Housing continues to meet and exceed the needs of its diverse community, in line with its mission and values.

The results of the survey will be analysed in detail to derive actionable insights. Argyle Housing looks forward to the opportunity this provides to enhance its service offerings, ensuring they remain relevant, impactful, and responsive to client needs. This commitment to feedback and continuous growth ensures Argyle Housing remains a leader in the domain of community housing. Their dedication to client engagement and satisfaction is truly commendable, and it makes a significant contribution to the creation of inclusive, respectful, and vibrant communities.

The survey results have provided us with valuable insights. It is clear that our Clients prioritise three main areas:

  1. Prompt and responsive repairs and maintenance services: Our Clients emphasised the importance of receiving timely and efficient repairs and maintenance for their homes.
  2. Upgrading and maintaining homes in good condition: Our Clients value well-maintained homes and appreciate efforts to upgrade and improve the overall condition of their properties.
  3. Improving the safety and amenity of the neighbourhoods: Our Clients want to feel safe and comfortable in their neighbourhoods. Enhancing safety measures and amenities in the areas where our tenants reside is a priority.

Overall, the results indicate that Argyle Housing holds a positive perception among our Clients. However, it is essential to note that results and feedback varied across locations. As a result, each local tenancy and maintenance team will devise a tailored action plan based on the survey results specific to their respective areas.

How Clients scored Argyle Housing

Overall, the results of the survey were very good. The key indicator results for Argyle Housing are below as well as the results for individual areas on the next two pages.

All three NRSCH targets (overall satisfaction, condition of home and repairs and maintenance) were met or surpassed.

Overall satisfaction was 85%, ten points above the regulatory threshold. Satisfaction with property condition was 81%, six points above the threshold and satisfaction with repairs and maintenance was 79%, four points above the threshold.

When compared to CHIA NSW’s industry benchmark indicator set, Argyle Housing was above the benchmark for twelve of seventeen measured indicators recorded. While five indicators were below the benchmark.

Indicators above the benchmark were appeal knowledge, with 54% satisfied (9% points above), complaints knowledge, with 77% satisfied (7% points above), and Clients’ ability to influence provider’s decision-making, with 64% satisfied (4% points above).

Argyle Housing increased satisfaction in 14/17 key indicators from the 2021 survey. The only indicators that fell were Tenants’ Right upheld, Property condition and Neighbourhood.

Overall satisfaction with complaints handling indicator for Argyle was 3% points about the benchmark CHIA NSW benchmark. 75% were satisfied with how easy it was to make the complaint.

79% of tenants reported they were satisfied with the repairs and maintenance service provided by Argyle Housing, which is 1% point above the CHIA NSW benchmark.

Clients were asked how much, if at all, their life has improved since living in an Argyle property. 74% reported that their life had improved, a 1% point increase from 2021 and on par with the CHIA NSW benchmark of 74%.

87% of Clients were satisfied with the way Argyle Housing provides them with information, which is 3% points above the CHIA NSW benchmark).

84% were satisfied with communication with Argyle Housing, which is 2% points above the CHIA NSW benchmark).

What clients said about Argyle.

Gungahlin/ Conder

78% Survey responses from Argyle Housing Clients

86% Overall Satisfaction with Argyle Housing


60% Survey responses from Argyle Housing Clients

77% Overall Satisfaction with Argyle Housing


53% Survey responses from Argyle Housing Clients

86% Overall Satisfaction with Argyle Housing

Ainslie Village

58% Survey responses from Argyle Housing Clients

83% Overall Satisfaction with Argyle Housing

Young/ Yass

88% Survey responses from Argyle Housing Clients

90% Overall Satisfaction with Argyle Housing


64% Survey responses from Argyle Housing Clients

83% Overall Satisfaction with Argyle Housing


96% Survey responses from Argyle Housing Clients

91% Overall Satisfaction with Argyle Housing

Southwest Sydney

62% Survey responses from Argyle Housing Clients

83% Overall Satisfaction with Argyle Housing

Wagga Wagga/ Albury

86% Survey responses from Argyle Housing Clients

87% Overall Satisfaction with Argyle Housing

Client survey winners

Argyle Housing would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all who participated in the recent Client survey.

The response this year was overwhelming, setting a new record in terms of participation. Each Client’s feedback contributes significantly to enhancing the services and initiatives we offer.

However, we understand that some of our Clients may want to provide additional feedback or talk about their tenancy experience more directly. We value these perspectives and would like to facilitate these conversations. Argyle Housing invites Clients who wish to provide further feedback from the survey, or discuss their tenancy, to get in touch with our dedicated team.

The Client Support Lead in each local office is available to hear your thoughts and address any concerns. Clients can also reach out to the GM Operations or CEO at our Bowral office. These communication channels are open to all, and we encourage you to take advantage of them. Your voice matters and we are committed to hearing it.

Through your participation and direct feedback, we are better equipped to serve you. This continuous dialogue allows us to align our strategies and operations with your needs, ultimately fostering a better living experience for all our Clients. Thank you for your continued engagement and trust in Argyle Housing, as we work towards creating inclusive, respectful, and vibrant communities.

info@argylehousing.com.au or 1300 274 953

Congratulations to our Winners

Thank you to all of our Clients who participated in the survey. Your feedback will contribute to helping Argyle Housing provide better services.

1st Prize Winner – Michele, Bowral

Congratulations to our first place winner in the Client survey.

2nd Prize Winner – Zachary, Wagga

Well done Alison for accepting the second prize, presented by Wendy in our Bowral office.

3rd Prize Winners (1 per office)

Maria, Griffith

Anne, Picton

Alan, Moss Vale

Jenny, Young

Melissa, Wagga

Verity, Campbelltown

Heather, Queanbeyan

Donald, Yass

Megan, Canberra


NAIDOC Week, an annual event celebrating the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, was commemorated with much enthusiasm and community spirit across various locations. Argyle Housing, a dedicated housing provider, played an instrumental role in organising a range of community events that fostered cultural exchange and mutual respect.

In Moss Vale, a community barbeque and art event marked the occasion. Spearheaded by local artist De Shanti, participants contributed to a dot painting mural, an art form with deep roots in Aboriginal culture. This event was enriched by the enthusiastic participation of the community, including residents from the Railway Street complex, local businesses which generously provided food, and even the newly appointed chief inspector from the local police force who lent a hand in cooking sausages.

Argyle Housing extended the celebrations to Goulburn with a Women’s Weaving Circle, a unique gathering led by Indigenous artist Jodie Munday. This event provided a platform for local women to learn about traditional weaving techniques, exchange stories, and deepen their understanding of Indigenous culture.

The Southwest Sydney team of Argyle Housing planned a cultural immersion at Mount Annan, selling out quickly due to its extensive itinerary. Activities included a Smoking Ceremony, a ‘Welcome to Country’ address, a guided memorial walk exploring the stolen generation and the area’s heritage, bush tea making, and a didgeridoo circle. A catered lunch complemented these experiences.

In Bowral, Argyle Housing participated in the Flag Raising Ceremony and the opening of the NAIDOC Exhibition ‘For Our Elders’. These events aimed to honour local First Nations artists, with Argyle Housing purchasing a piece by artist Pamela Luke as a demonstration of our support.

During NAIDOC Week, a flurry of activity took place at the Railway Street Moss Vale complex, a testament to the vibrant spirit of community collaboration and indigenous culture. The event, hosted in the community room, was a vibrant mix of food, artwork, and fellowship. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our team members who attended and actively contributed to the success of this packed NAIDOC BBQ. Their efforts, combined with the community’s enthusiasm, made the event a resounding success.

Leading the charge was the new Chief Inspector from the local police force, Renee, who expertly managed the BBQ alongside Rachel and Bernadette. Meanwhile, Nicole and Leanne devoted their time and effort to setting up the centre with drinks, organising the artwork display with De Shanti, and welcoming Clients and guests to the event. Their efforts ensured a warm and inviting atmosphere, fostering a sense of unity and fellowship that NAIDOC Week symbolises.

The spirit of giving and inclusivity was evidenced by a touching gesture from Nicole. She delivered a food parcel to a resident named Colin, who is connected to an oxygen machine and has limited mobility. This act of kindness left a profound impact, as evidenced by the heartfelt message of gratitude from Colin the next morning. His appreciation for the salad and sausage delivered to him accentuates the joy and fulfilment derived from small acts of kindness and the positive impact that these gestures can have on the lives of individuals.

The NAIDOC Week activities at the Railway Street Moss Vale complex provided a meaningful platform to celebrate Indigenous culture and foster community spirit. As a community, we take pride in these events, which not only bring us together but also strengthen our commitment to inclusivity, respect, and support for each other. Through such events, we continue to uphold Argyle Housing’s mission of creating inclusive, respectful, and vibrant communities.

These diverse NAIDOC Week events, arranged by Argyle Housing, highlighted our organisation’s commitment to creating inclusive communities that respect and celebrate Indigenous cultures. These efforts remind us of the ongoing significance of NAIDOC Week, not only as a celebration but also as an opportunity for learning, understanding, and growth.

Good Works Garden

A joint project between Argyle Housing, St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/ Goulburn and Dirty Jane’s Canberra.

We have officially launched the Good Works Garden in Fyshwick, ACT! An exciting project that we have been working on in collaboration with Dirty Jane’s and St Vincent de Paul Canberra/ Goulburn. The community garden provides a welcoming place for the community to enjoy and be involved, to increase each person’s sense of inclusion and belonging within the community.

Run by volunteers from the community, Clients of Argyle Housing and St Vincent de Paul society who keep the garden maintained with tasks such as raking, weeding, and watering. It will improve the wellbeing of those involved, as participants make connection and learn to grow and prepare food which are skills that can assist them in other areas of life.

The produce which will include salad items, herbs, and vegetables, will be donated to Blue Door Kitchen which services Argyle Housing Ainslie Village and St Vincent de Paul residents in the local area.

If you’d like to visit the garden, it is located at: 80 Collie Street, Fyshwick (next to Dirty Jane’s, Canberra)

Volunteer your time

If you are keen to get involved and you are located local to Canberra, ACT there is a wonderful opportunity to volunteer for the Good Works Garden and support your local community. There will be ongoing working bees, maintenance, and events at the Good Works Garden so we would love you help in keeping it flourishing for the community! Please get in contact with your local ACT office for more information about the opportunity – 1300 274 953.

Find out more via the website: www.goodworksgarden.org/

Follow the page on Instagram:@goodworksgarden

Follow the page on Facebook: @GoodWorksGarden.ACT

Wendy Middleton Scholarship

Up to $1,500 available to individuals in 2023.

The Argyle Housing scholarship program has been renamed Wendy Middleton Scholarship to honour Argyle Housing’s past CEO, Wendy Middleton.

Wendy was passionate about creating opportunities for clients through education and training and was the driving force behind obtaining corporate sponsorship for the Scholarship.

This year the Wendy Middleton Scholarship is sponsored by AJ Gallagher Insurers, Paul Gallagher and Allianz Insurance. We thank our sponsors for their generous support of Argyle Housing clients.

Established in 2015, scholarships are part of an annual education program for Clients, providing up to $1,500 pa for college, university or TAFE students.
The scholarship money can be used to pay for any educational costs, such as course fees, textbooks, specific clothing, computers or anything which helps our Clients to complete their education.
The vision of the Argyle Housing scholarship program is to foster equal opportunities for all individuals, irrespective of their socio-economic background, aiming to break the barrier of financial constraints in the pursuit of education.

Our objective is to empower deserving students by providing them with the necessary financial support, thereby enabling them to focus on their academic pursuits without undue stress.

We envision creating a ripple effect wherein the beneficiaries of our scholarship program are equipped to become leaders and change-makers in their respective fields, contributing to a society that values knowledge, inclusivity, and progress.

Major Scholarship Sponsors

A HUGE thank you to our Scholarship Sponsors, your generosity and initiative towards our Clients is greatly appreciated. Without you, so many opportunities would be lost!

This year the Wendy Middleton Scholarship is sponsored by AJ Gallagher Insurers, Paul and Cheryl Harvey and Allianz Insurance. We thank them for their generous support this year as we know these funds will be of great assistance to eligible scholarship recipients, providing resources for them to help them achieve their education and training goals.

The Number of scholarships that Argyle Housing has awarded in the last 12 months was 20. This brings the total number of scholarships awarded since 2015 to 147. The Value of Scholarships awarded 2022/23 Financial Year was $24,007.64.

2022-2023 19 Recipients

28 Queanbeyan Master of Criminology Griffith University
52 Wagga Wagga Cert lll in IT TAFE
22 Southwest Sydney Bachelor of Business UTS Sydney
22 Southwest Sydney Cert III in Supply Chain Operations ARC Training
29 Gungahlin Cert III in Business CIT Gungahlin
50 Queanbeyan Cert III in Community Services TAFE Wyong
48 Goulburn Diploma in Counselling CTET
16 Bowral Cert IV in Tertiary Preparation TAFE Moss Vale
46 Queanbeyan Cert lll Community Services TAFE
43 Southwest Sydney Diploma in Business TAFE
38 Southwest Sydney Bachelor of Medical Science Macquarie University
52 Southwest Sydney Cert ll in Further Study Skills TAFE Digital
46 Young Cert lll in Community Services Alffie
28 Queanbeyan Cert IV in Community Services TAFE
21 Young Bachelor of Education (ECH & Primary) Newcastle University
19 Bowral Cert III in Career Advancement TAFE Moss Vale
21 Young Bachelor of Forensic Science & Bachelor of Criminology Deakin University
27 Young Cert III in School Based Education Support TAFE Digital
43 Southwest Sydney Cert III in Individual Support Disability Care Acacia Group



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