2023 Digital Annual Report

Our Finances

Finance Overview

Argyle Housing is proud to announce a series of key initiatives for Financial Year 2023 that align with our ongoing commitment to operational efficiency, financial transparency, and employee welfare.

These initiatives are poised to strategically drive our organisation forward while ensuring a consistent and robust approach to our operations.

Our first major initiative involves the decentralisation of budgeting for Employee and Administrative expenses. This move aims to encourage greater cost-efficiency and resource management at a regional level, empowering our teams with the autonomy to manage their budgets effectively. We believe this will foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among our staff, ensuring diligent use of resources that aligns with our wider organisational objectives.

Next, we have implemented a rolling cash flow forecast. This innovative financial tool provides our decision-makers with regular, up-to-date insights into available cash. This visibility will enable us to make informed decisions about tapping into these funds for growth and investment opportunities, ensuring we remain agile and responsive in a dynamic and evolving sector.

To enhance our operational efficiency, we have streamlined key processes such as Water Billing and Reviews of Arrears. By standardising these procedures, we aim to guarantee a consistent approach and timely completion, improving the satisfaction of our residents while ensuring regulatory compliance.

In our continuous quest for technological advancement, we have completed the requirements documentation for a new accounting system. By identifying potential compatible programs, we aim to modernise our accounting processes for 2024, driving efficiency and accuracy in our financial reporting.

Finally, we have revamped our approach to Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) on leases. By focusing on ensuring the reasonableness of provisions, we aim to bring a fair and equitable approach to lease agreements, benefiting both Argyle Housing and our residents.

In summary, these initiatives for FY23 reflect our ambition to continually improve and innovate, aligning our operations with best practice standards while prioritising the needs and experiences of our residents and staff. Argyle Housing is committed to creating value, fostering transparency, and building a sustainable future for all stakeholders.


In FY2023, Argyle Housing experienced a significant period of change and transition. This transformation was particularly notable within the Finance Team, as a reshuffle of personnel occurred. Angela Horne, Andrew Allan, and Li-Wen Wang, esteemed members of the team, concluded their journey with us during this period. Their contributions have been invaluable to the organisation, and we bid them farewell with  gratitude.

However, the departure of these colleagues has paved the way for fresh faces and perspectives. We have had the pleasure of welcoming Wendy McIntosh, Jericho Castillo, and Roxanne Flanigan into our team. Each of them brings a unique set of skills and experiences that we believe will be instrumental in driving the team forward.

These personnel shifts mark a new chapter for Argyle Housing, particularly for our Finance team. We remain committed to our mission and look optimistically towards the future, strengthened by our new team members. We are confident that with this renewed team, we will continue to uphold our standards of excellence and deliver on our promises to stakeholders, making FY2023 a pivotal year in Argyle Housing’s history.

Financial Report

Read our full financial report for  here.