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40 years of supporting and helping those in need

June 13, 2024

This article was first published by Southern Highlands News on 13 June 2024  Click here to view the full article.

Argyle Housing celebrates 40 years of supporting and helping those in need

More than 150 people came together to celebrate Argyle Housing’s 40th birthday. Picture supplied

Argyle Housing started with four properties in the Highlands in June, 1984, and has grown to help more than 4500 people across 17 local government areas.

The not-for-profit organisation celebrated its 40th birthday on June 5 at the Mittagong RSL.

More than 150 people came together to mark the occasion.

“For four incredible decades, we’ve had the privilege of providing housing and creating a supportive community for our clients,” Argyle Housing CEO Carolyn Doherty said.

“None of this would have been possible without the unwavering support and dedication of friends like you.

More Australians than ever are ditching rising rent and interest rates for cheap and sustainable alternative living in the form of ‘tiny houses’.

“Your commitment and generosity have allowed us to grow and adapt to the changing needs of our community.”

Since it began, Argyle Housing has grown to have more than 2700 properties and 10 offices.

According to the latest data from the NSW Department of Communities and Justice, 57,401 social housing applicant households are on the NSW Housing Register, as of March 31 statewide.

More than 8600 of those are deemed a priority.

For the Wingecarribee, there are 138 applicant households on the registry up to the end of March.

“As we celebrate this special anniversary, we look forward to many more years of collaboration and continued success,” an Argyle Housing Facebook post said.

“Together, we will keep building stronger communities and providing more community housing to those in need.”

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